The First Annual Conference of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery "DAGHER-KHARRAT"

The First Annual Conference of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, titled "DAGHER-KHARRAT", was organized by the Hôtel-Dieu de France, under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Firass Abiad. This event was held in the presence of the Reverend Rector, Salim Daccache s.j., President of the Board of Directors of the Hôtel-Dieu de France, the Director General of the USJ-HDF hospital network, Mr. Nassib Nasr, Professor Elie Nemr, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at USJ, as well as many directors, managers, and heads of departments.

The conference was held over two days at the N. and H. Obegi Auditorium. The opening ceremony paid tribute to Professor Khalil Kharrat and Dr. Fernand Dagher for their exceptional contributions in the field of orthopedics.

The first day, called the "Residents' Day", facilitated direct exchanges between the invited international professors and the residents of the department. The day was marked by scientific presentations, case discussions, and other general issues, and ended with a tourist activity chosen by the residents.

The second day was dedicated to a traditional congress, bringing together internationally renowned experts, mainly from Europe and North America, for academic and professional exchanges.

President of the Congress, Prof. Ismat Ghanem:

Prof. Ismat Ghanem opened the session by warmly welcoming the participants and expressing his deep gratitude, stating: "Tonight is very special. Tonight is different. I wanted to title my speech 'Orthopedic Surgery at the Hôtel-Dieu de France'. There is a peculiarity to this orthopedic surgery: it is inseparable from the history of Lebanon. Practicing orthopedics at the Hôtel-Dieu de France means having the necessary skills to go beyond the pettiness of behavior and above all having the subtlety and finesse of compromise. All of this with an unconditional love for our country, a dream in which we firmly believe, and above all, perseverance without ever letting go. A team is a philosophy, a concept that is passed on, and above all, a united unit that remains cohesive. The HDF-USJ network is growing; the Orthopedic Surgery Department, strong in its reputation, was the first to be called upon and the first to respond to the call to develop orthopedic surgery in the network and create a center of excellence in orthopedic surgery. This first small annual conference, which will succeed the names of our founders Dagher-Kharrat, is nothing more than a modest tribute, a recognition and a gratitude that students have wanted to express to two great mentors."

Mr. Nassib Nasr, Director General of the USJ-HDF Hospital Network, the Hôtel-Dieu de France:

Mr. Nassib Nasr began his address by welcoming the participants and emphasizing his appreciation with these words: "I would first like to welcome you all to this special conference for the inauguration of the Orthopedic Surgery Center under the supervision of Professor Ismat Ghanem, who is a leading figure in this medical institution. This inauguration is taking place at the Hôtel-Dieu, which celebrated its first centenary last year and is striving to preserve its mission and mandate, despite the difficult circumstances and challenges facing our country. We are gathering today with you, as well as with a group of experts, physicians, and stakeholders, to witness this new milestone that we appreciate and support with pride, as we are committed to preserving the path of medical development through the scientific and social activities and conferences organized by the hospital, and through the inauguration of new centers using cutting-edge technologies and offering excellence services. Thus, the Hôtel-Dieu will continue its mission of supporting hospitals in all regions and expanding its network further in order to provide the best healthcare to all citizens."

Reverend Father Salim Daccache s.j., President of the Board of Directors of the Hôtel-Dieu de France:

Reverend Father Salim Daccache s.j. began his speech by thanking all present for their participation and added: "It is with immense joy that I attend this inaugural session of your international conference at the Hôtel-Dieu de France. Orthopedics is a discipline that fascinates you all and continues to progress.

I would like to warmly thank Professor Ismat for this brilliant idea of offering us this opportunity. Dear Professors Dagher and Kharrat, your contribution to orthopedics, both clinically and in research, is simply remarkable. We salute your recognized expertise, your unwavering dedication to your patients, and the inspiration you offer to current and future generations of orthopedic surgeons. This conference is an opportunity to celebrate your exceptional careers, to highlight your discoveries, and to express our deep gratitude for your commitment to medical excellence. Congratulations dear Ismat and to your entire team for the inauguration of this center. Let me also thank the Hôtel-Dieu de France, which is celebrating its centenary, the Faculty of Medicine with its 142 years of existence, and the USJ with its 150 years of excellence.

Long live our two young men, Fernand and Khalil, long live the Hôtel-Dieu de France, the USJ, the Faculty of Medicine, and especially our Lebanon."

Professor Associate Elias Chelala, President of the Medical Council at the Hôtel-Dieu de France:

Professor Associate Elias Chelala began his speech by expressing his gratitude to the guests and stated: "As a representative of the medical staff of the Hôtel-Dieu de France, I would like to express my emotion and gratitude. It is with great joy that I participate in this ceremony, which honors those who have greatly contributed to the influence and authority of our institution, such as Professors Dagher and Kharrat. We have the responsibility to fructify this heritage and to continue to carry the torch, as our orthopedic colleagues do so well.

Dr. Dagher embodies the image of the exceptional and visionary orthopedist, having inspired the practice group and bequeathed an orthopedic department that continues to shine throughout the country. As for Professor Khalil Kharrat, everything has already been said. Khalil has continued this task by supporting the team with rigor and seriousness, while combining the useful with the pleasant. Khalil is the very example of the iron hand in a velvet glove. Tonight, I can say to all, and to Fernand and Khalil in particular, that under the impetus of the Reverend Father Rector and our Director General, the Hôtel-Dieu de France is a hospital that has a memory and supports its physicians."

Professor Elie Nemr, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at USJ:

Professor Elie Nemr began his speech by honoring the presence of the guests and declaring with gratitude: "100 years ago, the Hôtel-Dieu de France came to life. At the time, it was a small hospital with a limited number of beds for a small number of patients. However, with the aging of the population and the increase in diseases, the number of beds had to logically grow, as did the number of physicians. At the Hôtel-Dieu, some visionaries understood that better patient care required a dedicated team.

In orthopedics, this vision was initiated by Dr. Dagher and confirmed by Dr. Kharrat. Many doubts remained, whether among orthopedists in the country or in other specialties, about this concept of teamwork in a medicine that remains essentially liberal. It was a challenge. Today, your presence is the best proof that there are visionaries capable of seeing far beyond their contemporaries, anticipating or shaping the evolution of medical practices.

We are here today to witness this recognition."

Professor Youssef Bakhach, President of the Lebanese Order of Physicians:

Professor Youssef Bakhach began by extending a warm welcome and added: "We gather today on the occasion of the launch of the educational sessions under the name "Dagher-Kharrat" on orthopedic and joint surgery, and we honor two great renowned physicians, particularly in this field. Today, we are gathered in this establishment, the Hôtel-Dieu de France, because there are physicians who have believed in this country, have taught others, and have cared for the rich and the poor alike. If we look back in history, things were not that simple.

Today, we honor two physicians because it is our duty to honor them for all the work they have accomplished, but at the same time, we have linked this tribute ceremony to sessions and conferences that should be organized to encourage and motivate all those who wish to participate to benefit from the conferences of Dr. Kharrat and Dr. Dagher, to follow in their footsteps, to contribute and to carry the torch they have preserved, so that the health sector, the education sector, the Hôtel-Dieu and the University of Saint Joseph remain a beacon for Lebanon and the Middle East."

Dr. Firass Abiad concluded by expressing his honor to have participated in this event and shared these words:

"We are well aware of the orthopedic department of the Hôtel-Dieu and the excellence of the care it provides. We express our gratitude to our professors who have founded these remarkable institutions, taught and guided us, while keeping a forward-looking vision, especially in this crisis context. It is true that many of our institutions have gone through difficult times, but we now see how establishments such as the University of Saint Joseph and the Hôtel-Dieu de France have been able to overcome the crisis and implement better practices. This is based on a spirit of cooperation and the ability to create a team spirit. We wish that this momentum be shared by all in this country, so that Lebanon can stand up again. In this context, I would like to salute Mr. Nassib Nasr and the Hôtel-Dieu de France for their constant pursuit of excellence, despite the challenges they have faced."

This event, titled the "First Annual Dagher-Kharrat Conference in Orthopedics", coordinated by the Organizing Committee of the Orthopedic Surgery Department of the Hôtel-Dieu de France, represents a significant step in strengthening the academic and professional ties between local and international practitioners. It also provided residents with a valuable opportunity to develop and refine their clinical and scientific skills. A promising success for the future.
