
The Department of Neurology, founded in the 1970s, provides medical care for adult patients suffering from disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system.

It is composed of 8 neurologists and a multidisciplinary paramedical team offering treatment adapted to the patient’s pathology.

As part of its academic mission, the Department provides training for residents in neurology.

The department consists of the following units:

  • General Neurology Unit: it welcomes patients with neurological symptoms requiring diagnostic evaluation, additional examination or the start and/or adaptation of a treatment (e.g. epileptic seizure, headaches, dizziness, abnormal movements, onset of multiple sclerosis, brain tumors…)
  • Stroke Unit: it welcomes patients having a cerebrovascular accident (cerebral infarction, transient ischemic attacks, cerebral hemorrhages or cerebral venous thrombosis) and has the needed staff and equipment to ensure acute management of strokes with continuous monitoring, as well as privileged access to the neuroimaging technical platform.
  • Video EEG / Epilepsy Surgery Unit: it welcomes patients with discomfort, loss of consciousness, epileptic seizures and transient behavioral disorders, whether they are linked to a brain injury or not. The Unit welcomes adult and pediatric patients in collaboration with pediatric neurologists. The diagnostic and therapeutic management is based on a detailed analysis of transient manifestations and the performance of functional scalp video-EEG explorations, as well as intracranial explorations, if necessary, in collaboration with neurosurgeons.
  • Sleep Unit: This Unit, in collaboration with the Department of Pulmonology, provides medical care for patients with vigilance, sleep or circadian rhythm disorders, as well as sleep disorders associated with neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Functional Exploration of the Nervous System Unit: The Department of Neurology offers the full range of neurological technical examinations such as electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyography (EMG), visually, auditory and somesthetic evoked potentials, as well as specific therapeutic approaches like botulinum toxin injection.