
The Department of Dermatology provides, without exception, curative and preventive, pathological and esthetic, urgent and non-urgent medical care related to the skin, its appendages (hair and nails) and the mucous membranes.

The Department of Dermatology, which includes 12 dermatologists from different subspecialties, was the first among all other university hospitals in Lebanon to pioneer esthetic dermatology and dermato-cosmetology in an ethical and medical framework.

The Department organizes annual campaigns on skin cancer screening and sun protection awareness. Moreover, during the year, the Department organizes various sessions to disseminate dermatological knowledge and to optimize the treatment of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

The Department's subspecialties and focus areas include:

  1. general dermatology
  2. pediatric dermatology
  3. onco-dermatology
  4. allergology
  5. systemic diseases
  6. autoimmune diseases
  7. dermatological emergencies
  8. toxidermia
  9. hair, nails and mucous membrane pathology
  10. genodermatoses
  11. sexually transmitted infections
  12. dermatopathology
  13. dermatological surgery (skin biopsies, excision of tumors, nevus and cysts).
  14. Cryotherapy
  15. Phototherapy
  16. digital dermoscopy (FotoFinder)
  17. medical and esthetic lasers and all esthetic dermatology and cosmetology procedures.

Interventional procedures:

  • Diagnostic skin biopsies, surgical removal of cysts and tumors, fine cauterization, deep peels, filler and botulinum toxin injections, laser resurfacing.

Advanced techniques:

  • Digital dermoscopy (FotoFinder): to perform dermoscopic mapping to analyze and follow up atypical nevus and to detect de novo melanoma mainly in people at risk. The machine is not available at any other university hospital to date.

  • Phototherapy: a specialized cabin treatment that applies ultraviolet B (311nm) or A rays to treat several dermatoses such as psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis and cutaneous lymphomas.