Signing of an agreement between Hôtel-Dieu de France and Our Lady of Peace Hospital in Qobayat


The network of Hôtel-Dieu hospitals... in Qobayat

In the presence of Fr. Salim Daccache s.j., Rector of USJ and President of the Board of Directors of the Hôtel-Dieu de France, Mr. Nassib Nasr, General Director of the HDF-USJ hospital network, and Mother Nazha El Khoury, Superior General of the Antonine Sisters Congregation, an agreement was signed between Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF) and the Notre-Dame de la Paix Hospital of the Antonine Sisters (HNDP) for its adherence to the HDF-USJ hospital network. Also in attendance were Sister Jinane Farah, General Counselor and Head of the Medico-Social Sector, Sister Marie-Edouard Daccache, Director of HNDP, Sister Grace El Khawand, Director of the Medical-Social Office of the Congregation, as well as Prof. Elie Nemer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Saint Joseph, and directors and administrators from Hôtel-Dieu de France.

Mr. Nassib Nasr:

Mr. Nassib Nasr welcomed everyone in his speech and expressed his gratitude, saying: "We have held many preparatory meetings and sessions, and we have reached this result. Today, we are in the process of formally activating a fundamental and important idea, which is to support several institutions that are of interest to us and resemble us in this homeland, thanks to the support of the Saint Joseph University under the management of Father Daccache and Hôtel-Dieu de France Hospital with all its administrative, medical, and nursing staff. Our Lady of Peace Hospital has joined the network, and all the figures have evolved, and the support was present and will continue through our administrative efforts so that we can assist this hospital in serving our community. And although the country is not in the best condition, we take on the responsibility of helping our community, the Church in general, and the rural areas in particular."

Mother Nazha El Khoury:

Mother Nazha El Khoury expressed her gratitude to all the participants in this event, affirming:

« Today, we are proud of the courage of our sister nuns who worked to establish Our Lady of Peace Hospital in Qobayat in an apostolic spirit since 1994. Their main objective was to care for people and take care of their health. We consider this hospital a mission, and that is why we are committed to preserving it with all our might. We are grateful to God for our unity despite all the difficult days, and we have a great hope that His providence surrounds this hospital and will restore its role as a prestigious medical institution. We thank all those who strived and worked to make this initiative a success, and we particularly thank Hôtel-Dieu de France Hospital for welcoming us, opening its doors to us and providing the necessary support, and we hope that this constructive and precious collaboration will continue to achieve our common goals.»

Prof. Daccache:

Within this framework, Prof. Daccache expressed his gratitude to all the participants in this event, adding: "Today is an important milestone for us, and it has a special meaning. In these circumstances, we need peace, and here it is, in our hospital network, Our Lady of Peace! This hospital was established to maintain a special identity and an important mission, and we are here to support the hospital to preserve them and continue its journey. This is the essence of the integration of the Peace Hospital in Qobayat into Hôtel-Dieu hospital network, which continues, despite the current situation, its social mission and seeks to receive patients who cannot obtain adequate medical care. The most important thing today is to strengthen the presence of these private institutions and support their mission, so that they can continue to fulfill their mission in assisting the community. We must all unite and cooperate with each other to achieve this."

It is worth noting that Hôtel-Dieu de France hospital network in Lebanon has expanded in recent years to include six hospitals distributed across all Lebanese regions.