
HDF Solidarity Fund: patient support

Due to the economic crisis that has severely affected Lebanon for over three years, many patients find themselves unable to pay their hospital bills. In order to meet the increasing demands for assistance from these patients, the Hôtel-Dieu de France University Medical Center (HDF) has created a "Social Solidarity Fund" to provide financial assistance to underprivileged people who do not have access to the National Social Security Fund or who are not covered by private insurance.

Public health, healthcare centers and medical equipment

We are committed to providing our hospitals with state-of-the-art medical equipment and materials, and to supporting medical research initiatives that tackle pressing health problems. These include biomedical and technical equipment.

Personal Information


Your Donation

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Donations by bank transfer

Name of the beneficiary
Hôtel Dieu de France
Bank: Bank Audi SAL
Branch: Achrafieh Corporate, Centre Sofil, Beirut, Lebanon
Swift Code: AUDBLBBX

Lebanese Pounds
Account number: 000918170107
IBAN Code: LB25005600000000000918170107

American Dollars
Account number: 000918170093
IBAN Code: LB15005600000000000918170093

Account number: 000918170094
IBAN Code: LB85005600000000000918170094



  Donations by check 

Made out to

Hôtel Dieu de France


Hôtel Dieu de France, Achrafieh


Cash donations


Hôtel Dieu de France, Achrafieh




 Donations by bank transfer

Tax deductible
Beneficiary: Fondation OMCFAA

Bank: Crédit Industriel et Commercial
Swift Code: CMCIFRPP
IBAN Code: FR76 3006 6100 4100 0105 6021 146


Beneficiary: Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Bank: Europe Arab Bank
Swift Code: ARABFRPP

Euros Account Number: 00709173345
IBAN Code: FR76 1797 9000 0100 7091 7334 540

US Dollar Account Number: 00709173301
IBAN Code: FR76 1797 9000 0100 7091 7330 175

Donations by check

Tax deductible
Made out to

Œuvre des Missions Catholiques Françaises d’Asie et d’Afrique

To precise: donate for the campaign
HDF hospital support or HDF patient support

Saint-Joseph University of Beirut
Paris Administrative Office
42 Rue de Grenelle
75343 Paris Cedex 07, France

 Online donations

For your donations, please choose: I would like to donate to a specific project: «137 – USJ– Fonds de solidarité Hôtel Dieu» project on the following link:




Donations by bank transfer

Tax deductible

Bank of America
Beneficiary : Saint Joseph University Foundation, Beirut Inc.
Account : 004666725259
Routing: 011000138


HDF patient support

Bank: Bank of America
Account number: 004666725259
Routing : 011000138

Please specify:

HDF hospital support


HDF patient support


Donations by check

Tax deductible
Bénéficiare: Saint Joseph University Foundation, Beirut Inc.
555 Turnpike Street, Suite 55
North Andover, MA 01845, USA

Please specify:
HDF hospital support
HDF patient support

The Saint Joseph University Foundation, Beirut Inc. is a valid 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 81-5424816) in accordance with the standards and regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law

Online donations

Tax deductible

The PayPal button and the USA button
are tax deductible. Select « Donate to Heal HDF Hospital Emergency Fund » on the link below :

Paypal Link



Donations by bank transfer

Tax deductible – via Myriad Canada

Fondation USJ and Myriad Canada are pleased to be working together. You can support our project (Support for HDF Patients) by making a donation following the details below.

For transfer instructions, please email or call Caroline Chaulet: caroline@myriadcanada.org or +1-438-300-8122.

Donations by check

Tax deductible – via Myriad Canada

You can support our projects (Support for USJ Students or HDF Patients) by check:

  • Make your cheque out to Myriad Canada.
  • Indicate “Project D510 – Healthcare USJ” in the memo line of your cheque to ensure it is allocated correctly.
  • Mail your cheque to: Myriad Canada, 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 1670, Montreal, QC, H3B 2B6, Canada.

Online Donations

Tax deductible – via Myriad Canada

Fondation USJ and Myriad Canada are pleased to be working together. You can support our project (Support for HDF Patients) by making a donation following the below:

Support for HDF Patients, click hereYou will receive a donation receipt from Myriad Canada

 Tax deductible – via Jésuites du Canada

Visit the following link: https://jesuites.ca/je-donne/

Under “Votre contribution est en faveur de”, select “Œuvres jésuites du Canada français”
Under “Autres missions”, click on “Appui aux œuvres missionnaires à l’étranger”
Enter the name of the mission you wish to support: USJ BEYROUTH
Kindly notify us via email at fondationusj@usj.edu.lb once you’ve made your contribution.

The Saint Joseph University Foundation, Beirut Inc. is a valid 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 81-5424816) in accordance with the standards and regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.



Donations by bank transfer

Tax deductible

Beneficiary: Association Liban Avenir Meilleur (ALAM)

Bank: UBS Genève
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH80A

Swiss Francs
IBAN Code: CH85 0021 5215 1042 7301 K
Account Number: 215-104273.01K

American Dollars
IBAN Code: CH80 0021 5215 1042 7360 U
Account Number: 215-104273.60U



Donations by bank transfer

Tax deductible


Account Number : 000.10.591815-5 HDF Libano

IBAN : PT50.0036.0000.99105918155.56